Directory of Georgian Alumni from French Universities
Annuaire des anciens étudiants géorgiens en France
There are 388 alumnies and 64 companies in our database.

Why to register in our directory?

About us

Edited by the French Institute in Georgia, in cooperation with the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry France-Georgia (CCIFG), this website is an open space for dialogue between Georgians that have studied in France and companies.

It contains 3 sections :
  • Directory:
    Alumni section: contact information, career path and other information
    Companies section: French companies established in Georgia or working with France in Georgia, members of CCIFG
  • News section
  • Forum: scholarships, job search, how to write a résumé, etc…
If you have studied in France or in a French-speaking country, if your company has working relations with France, we invite you to register.

Did you study in France, are you currently studying in France (or in any other french-speaking country)?
This directory will enable you to enter in contact with the French-speaking community in Georgia and with companies looking for French-speaking personnel.
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Institut Français de Géorgie © 2013